Coursework Source of Truth...
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Mandatory coursework
1) 🔑 Create your own webpage (4 hours)
Fork then clone the [HTML/CSS week 1 coursework]
2) Begin the module project (6 hours)
The module project spans the whole module. Your task is to re-create a design from scratch, using your HTML and CSS skills, and improve it over this module. You have four weeks to develop this project, so plan your time wisely.
You'll find all instructions in this repository:
Before you start, make sure you fork the repository to your Github account. Open a pull request to submit your coursework.
3) CSS Grid (3 hours)
- Complete this Scrimba course on CSS Grid
- Don't just watch the videos! You won't really learn anything that way. Interact with the code and type it out.
- Take a screenshot of your progress on your dashboard and submit this
4) Prepare for the next class (1 hour)
You need to prepare for every class.
The syllabus is a sample/guide lesson, so you might do something different in class, but the broad learning objectives will be similar. Read the learning objectives. What other reading can you do to prepare for class? Is there any code to checkout from github?
CYF trainees must always come to class with questions.
5) Create a study schedule (PD - 1.5 hr)
Over the next months you will have lots of coursework to complete! How will you manage it all?
Create a study schedule.
This activity will give you practice using Google sheets to create and maintain a schedule.
Go to the link below and do the course. Completed the quiz at the end of the course. We will be able to see your responses. Create a goal setting worksheet here
Extensions (optional): Choose one or more of the extensions to further enhance your study schedule.
6) Learn how to use Google Doc and Slides (PD - 1 hr)
The goal is for you to be comfortable using Google Doc and Google Slides, which you will use a lot in your professional life.
- Go to
- Click "Sign in" in the top right
- Sign in with your Google account, or create a new one
- Click "I am a student"
- Click "Join a class" and enter class code: qchyyg
- Start the Communicate Effectively at Work course
- Do lessons "4 - Communicate Ideas in a Proposal" and "5. Present Information About Your Job"
- Share the links to the exercises of both lessons Use this applied digital skills course to help you with your communication skills.
Stretch coursework
1) Complete Flexbox Froggy game
Complete the Flexbox Froggy game to practise using flexbox.
2) CSS Diner game
Complete the CSS Diner game to practise using advanced CSS selectors.