Coursework Source of Truth...β
Is your Google Classroom, not here! Teachers and trainees, make sure you check your Google Classroom for latest updates.
1) π Recreate a design (10 hours)β
Choose one of the designs listed in the readme. Re-create the design to perfection, using CSS Grid, and media queries to make the site fully responsive.
2) Record a Goose (3 hours)β
A mission of discovery for you.
- Go to
- Using Devtools, Lighthouse, and the WAVE accessibility plugin, find all the ways this app is broken
- How would you fix the problems? Discuss in the channel (in threads, please!)
3) Prepare for the next class (2 hours)β
Next lesson, we will be going back to learning about JavaScript.
Review what you've learnt so far to prepare yourself for the next lesson.
You should always prepare for class and not passively wait for things to be explained to you. As a professional, you will need to learn things on your own and answer questions that do not have answers yet. Begin developing this skill now.
- Keep working through FreeCodeCamp and find some gaps in your knowledge
- Have a call with other trainees to discuss the things you are working on
- Prepare at least two questions about basic JavaScript to bring to class
You should always read through the next lesson, in preparation for class. For JS-1 you need to complete this prep:
4) Join Codewarsβ
Join Codewars
You will complete at least three kata a week, every week, for the rest of the course. A kata is a short coding workout and you should aim to spend twenty minutes, three times a week, doing kata.
- Read this tutorial and code along with the example kata:
- Link your account with Github, and join the CodeYourFuture clan, so we can find you on the clan board here:
- Add your Codewars name to the Trainee Info form for your class. It should be the same as your Github name.
By the end of JS1, you will have completed at least nine kata. Codewars is not just to practice JavaScript, it's to practice time management and study skills, so don't put this off.
5) Read Intro To Testsβ
Make sure you read all of this guide - it will be very helpful in getting you to understand tests and helping you with setting up your homework repos.
Make notes on what you learn.
6) Using critical thinking to remain inclusive as a developer (PD - 1.5 hr)β
Companies are very interested in the data provided by Apply Magic Sauce. Automated language analysis is already being used in the hiring of personnel. Click on the link below for the source of this information.
Apply Magic Sauce is an alternative machine interpretation of oneβs personality based on the analysis of how a person writes a sentence in an email or the types of content they like on social media. This is great when it gets the personality traits 99% accurate. But what if it goes horribly wrong and ruins lives?
Choose one thing that Apply Magic Sauce can do that you don't like (or like the least). Describe what it is and say why you don't like it (250 words). Below are three scenarios for you to contemplate:
- What if the software wrongfully judges and jeopardises a personβs career without their knowledge?
- Are humans unable to think for themselves and do they have to rely on machines to form a non-holistic opinion?
- Are civilians expected to be on guard at all times and be careful of what they say and how they comment a post or tweet in a censored cyber world where everything is traceable and nothing is ever really erased?